20.06, 12:00 / micro expedition with the Towarzysztwo Krajoznawcze Krajobraz
20.06, 13:00 / unveiling of a neighbour sculpture
20.06, 14:00 / bicycle rally to celebrate the Locality Festival in Głuszyn
(polski / Polish)Agnieszka Grodzińska and Magdalena Starska, two Poznań-based visual artists, invited the residents of Krzesiny to create a large-format community sculpture together. “Let’s leave rationality, our behavioural patterns and habits behind. Let’s fly high together and contribute our ideas into an open-air sculpture inspired in the imagined realm. Let’s come together so that our merged consciousness creates a shelter-place and defines a new horizon for the yet undiscovered zones”. Please join us for the grand opening!
Flying High – Locality Festival
The Flying High project was born out of a reflection on the once neighbouring localities of Głuszyn and Krzesiny, today separated by the 31st Tactical Air Base. We will hold a series of open air activities to symbolically restore the neighbourly relationship between these two districts of Poznań. The residents of the region are invited to take part in the project, build an imaginary bridge over the air base and explore the dreams and crazy ideas hiding in their heads. The project is developed in collaboration with the City of Poznań as part of the Fyrtle (Localities) programme aimed at strengthening local communities.