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18 - 29/06/2021

photo by Andrzej Majos
Galleryphoto by Andrzej Majos
  • Once again, the Malta Festival will be present in Wielkopolska in the programme Malta na Bis (Malta encore), organised by Centrum Kultury i Sztuki in Konin.

    Trials take place everywhere, and they never stop. Mainly within ourselves. We are the defendants, we are our own prosecutors, and the chief penalty we condemn ourselves to every day is fear. Fear of losing acceptance, health, love. After many years, Teatr Usta Usta Republika revisits Trials to investigate our deeply rooted sense of personal and social justice. The open character of the trial is an opportunity to take a close look at the individual’s struggle in a system where you have to prove not your guilt, but your innocence.

    Free tickets are avaiable at the CKis-DK Oskard.