What does the Malta Festival mean to you?
We have been asking our audience this question for the past 30 years. Is it a series of interesting cultural events? A get-together with friends? An opportunity to visit Poznań? Or is it, perhaps, a memory of your own performance in front of the Poznań audience?
What does the Malta Festival mean to Poznań?
We are close to the residents. We demonstrate how to set in motion the mechanism of municipal engagement, of being together, of building the city’s capital based on culture and community. For the past three decades, we have produced, created, penetrated the city, visited venues and worked in areas previously hostile to art. We have provoked (though sometimes we were good), we have discovered unknown artists, presented superstars, attracted tourists and designed activities for youngest audience…
What does the Malta Festival mean to the subsequent generations?
To volunteers from across Poland? To those who left the silent disco in the early hours? To those who were first to buy their tickets and those who wanted to attend but the tickets were all sold out? Is it an experience? A first kiss after a show? A picnic by the lake? An afterparty with artists? Is it dancing with strangers until dawn? Is it discussions over a beer about music, film, theatre…?
During the past three decades, the Malta Festival was also important to the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport.
We have built a brand of European renown. Unfortunately, for the first time since 1994, the Ministry has not granted us a single zloty. Do we need to explain that our social and economic growth wouldn’t be what it is today without culture? Without our festival, Poznań would not quite the same.
So now, we need you to join our CITIZENS’ MINISTER OF CULTURE campaign.
Thank you for being with us for the past three decades. We are happy we could show you productions from across the world. We are happy that together we could look for answers to questions posed by the Festival Idioms. We are happy that we could meet at various festival events. After over a year of the pandemic, we all understand how important this is. So, we want you to tell us why the Malta Festival matters to you, to tell us why you can’t imagine living without culture. We need your support: a kind word, a gesture that says no to the current situation where the powers that be dismiss a festival which, for the past three decades, has been one of Poland’s artistic showpieces and the heart and soul of Poznań.
If you would also like to help us financially, let us assure you that every single zloty contributed to our account will be used to support this year’s Malta. You, too, are important. Say no to having your right to culture taken away. We say no. We keep going!
Be a Citizens’ Minister of Culture. For details, see below.
Take part in our campaign: Become a Citizens’ Minister of Culture
1. What should you do? Make a viral video with your mobile.
2. What should you say? You can express your solidarity with the situation of Polish culture, the initiatives and institutions financed from the public funds of the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport. For example, the Malta Festival, which has always been supported from public funds. Become a Citizens’ Minister of Culture. Sponsor non-governmental organisations with a kind word.
3. What can you add? Have you ever been to the Malta Festival? Tell us about it. Why is it important to organise festivals like Malta (which has existed for over 30 years)?
4. Emphasise that you are a Citizens’ Minister of Culture and, if you think it’s important, mention that you have supported the Malta Festival yourself (as a reminder, here are our account details: BZ WBK 06 1090 1362 0000 0001 3435 6326). Nominate another person. Tag him/her in your post: You, too, can become a Citizens’ Minister of Culture. If you know someone who cares about culture, encourage him/her to take part in the campaign.
5. Post your video on your social media channel (on Facebook or Instagram) with the hashtag #obywatelskiministerkultury tag @ your nominee.
6. Once your post goes live, send us the link to your video so that we can join the communication (socialmedia@malta-festival.pl).